For some people the debates on climate change might mostly be seen as a climate blame game, with wordplays and empty promises. That is why my sketches of the rescue boats are of no use; they will not save anyone…
For other people speaking of climate change is as serious as it was meant to be in the Genesis flood narrative Noah’s Ark, where God gave Noah detailed instructions for building the Ark in order to save lives.

Climate Plans |  My ship is loaded with…

2015 |  triptych

Climate Plan Ark I 1979-2015 [ My ship is loaded with ]  70 x 50 cm, 2015
[How to make a simple lifeboat that sinks]

Climate Plan Ark II 1915-2050  [ My ship is loaded with ]  70 x 50 cm, 2015
[How to make a simple lifeboat that floats]

Climate Plan Ark III 1950-2090 [ My ship is loaded with ]  70 x 50 cm, 2015
[How to remember how to make a boat]


Min båt er lastet med…

For noen kan klimadebatten oppfattes som et ordspill, med tomme løfter, liten logikk og ballkasting, derav mine lite logiske skisser av redningsskipet som ikke redder noen...

For andre er klimadebatten ramme alvor som ifølge Noah’s Ark fra bibelhistorien hvor Gud gav detaljerte redningsinstrukser om båtbyggingen før floden kom.

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