My series of triptychs from 2010 - 2011 is entitled Families. Just like the family structure which has radically changed over the last few decades with regard to patterns of diversity; its composition or its decomposition and/or its reconstruction, I've chosen to work the paintings as a sort of jigsaw puzzle, giving several possibilites and shifts of composition and combination. Thus everyone can create their own story depending on what puzzles them. Separation tragedies or on the contrary, the relief of reconciliation or a new start. Reproaches, misunderstandings, quarrels, even hate, lack of understanding, ignorance and despair, but also tenderness, love, silence, peace or simply indifference.
I am trying to express all these states through the gorillas' eyes and gestures only. This has nothing to do with anthropomorphism. On the contrary, it is about the animality of the human being. The gorillas are not aping us. We are the apes. It becomes unbearable sometimes, but also laughable as we don’t notice it in our jungle of dark emotions. Let’s keep our sense of humour, at least the black one.

Familles est l'intitulé de la série des triptyques que j'ai peints en 2010 - 2011. A l'image de la composition de plus en plus souvent complexe de la famille moderne, la décomposition et/ou la recomposition, j'ai choisi de travailler selon le principe du puzzle qui entraîne la possibilité de l'interchangeabilité. A chacun de créer sa propre histoire selon l'emplacement des toiles: le drame d'une séparation ou, au contraire, le réconfort d'une réconciliation ou d'une entente nouvelle. Les reproches, les malentendus, les querelles, voire la haine, l'incompréhension, l'ignorance et le désespoir, mais aussi la tendresse, l'amour, le calme, la sérénité ou bien encore l'indifférence... tout ceci exprimé au travers des gestes et des regards de ces gorilles. Il ne s'agit nullement d'anthropomorphisme. Bien au contraire. Il s'agit de l'animalité de l'homme. Ce ne sont pas les gorilles qui nous singent. C'est nous qui sommes les singes. Jusqu'à l'insupportable. Risibles sans le voir dans la jungle d'émotions contradictoires. Gardons l'humour; du moins le noir.

Familier  har jeg kalt en serie triptykker som ble til i 2010 - 2011. På samme måte som familiebegrepet i vår tid er betegnelsen på en institusjon som tar diverse komplekse former; splittelse, gjenforening eller gjenstart; utvidelse eller nystart, har jeg valgt å arbeide etter puslespillprinsippet som gir flere komposisjons- eller kombinasjonsmuligheter. Det blir opp til hver enkelt å skape sin egen historie: Separasjonsdrama, eller tvert imot lettelsen ved en gjenforening eller ny oppstart. Bebreidelser, uoverensstemmelser, krangler og til og med hat. Misforståelser, uvitenhet og desperasjon. Men også ømhet, kjærlighet, taushet, fred eller hvorfor ikke likegyldighet. Alt dette forsøker jeg å utrykke via gorillaenes bevegelser, vink og blikk. Det dreier seg på ingen måte om en form for personifisering av dyrene, men snarere tvert imot. Det dreier seg om det dyriske i oss mennesker. Det er ikke gorillaene som aper etter oss. Det er vi som er apene iblant. Skremmende. Men også latterlige. En dose humor må vi ha. Svart i det minste.

Family I - Interference I, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010
Family I - Interference II, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010
Family II - Interference II, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010
Family II - Interference I, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010
Family III - Interference I, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010
Family IIII - Interference II, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010

Family I  - acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010

Family II  - acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010

Family IIII - acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2010

Family VI - Interference I, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2011
Family VI - Interference II, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2011
Family VI - Interference III, acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2011

Family VI - acrylics and synthetic fur on canvas, 50 x 70 cm x 3, 2011

Family Interferences │ Triptychs

New series of puzzles:
Ups & Downs

Oddbjørg REINTON © 2023